Under NAIS every single livestock animal in the United States will be identified and tagged. All livestock animal movements will be tracked, logged and reported to the government. Big factory confinement farms are allowed to use a single ID for thousands of animals. Small farmers, pet owners, and homesteaders will have to tag and track every single animal, in most cases using electronic ID.
There are NO exceptions - even small farms that sell direct to local consumers will be required to pay the fees and file all the paper work on all their animals. The USDA has not done a cost-benefit analysis. Based on estimates from Australia and England, NAIS could cost anywhere from $30-$69 per animal on average. The costs include the tags, the labor and equipment needed to tag each animal and file reports of the movements within 24 hours, and the massive databases needed to track over 100 million animals. Factory farms can use group ID to avoid many of the costs, while small farmers could face even higher costs.
Those who refuse to cooperate with NAIS will be subject to heavy fines or even criminal penalties. NAIS is not legislation but a program designed by USDA bureaucrats with the help of businessmen and manufacturers of ID tags.
Please vote to stop the tracking of livestock animals for pets or small farmers....see below (the vote is to make non-funding of this invasive program a top ten priority to the new administration)
Pass this on if you know anyone that is interested in supporting small farmers.
The private website, www.Change.org, will present the "Top 10 Ideas for America" to the Obama Administration on Inauguration Day. "Stop NAIS" has made it to the second round of voting! It is competing against 86 other ideas to see if it can make it into the Top 10. The second round of voting will end at 5 pm next Thursday, January 15.
STEP 1: If you are not already signed up for the site, register at: https://www.change.org/admin/sign_up
STEP 2: Go to http://www.change.org/ideas/view/stop_nais.
Voting ends at 5pm ET on Thursday, January 15
Be sure to click the box labeled "vote!" to the left of the Protect Our Food Supply -- Stop NAIS! Simply leaving a comment does not count as a vote. The box should change color and the text will change to "voted." You may have to try a couple of times.
STEP 3: Email all your friends, and ask them to vote also!
STEP 4 (optional): The most important thing is the number of VOTES that the idea gets. If you want to leave a comment after you have voted, think in terms of what will encourage other people to vote to stop NAIS. Keep your comment short and clear.
Remember that Stop NAIS! is competing against all of the other ideas for one of the Top 10 slots. Only the Top 10 will be presented to the transition team.
Thank you!